ND Allison
ND Noreen HRWW
ND ALLISON – a new winter wheat variety developed at North Dakota State University (NDSU) in Fargo, North Dakota by Dr. G. Francois Marais and his breeding team. When comparing to the cultivar Jerry, ND Allison has shown to have 1-2 inch shorter straw, similar maturity date, and also exhibits the same strong winter hardiness we see in Jerry. ND Allison is a very high yielding variety with a broad adaptation as demonstrated in the performance of the ND statewide Elite and Variety Trials. This variety is more tolerant of acidic soils. Based on molecular marker data, ND Allison is believed to have the aluminum tolerance locus, TaALMT1, that is located on chromosome 4DL and which may give it an advantage in localities associated with aluminum toxicity. ND Allison is resistant to leaf rust, moderately resistant to moderately susceptible to certain US stem rust races (it is heterogeneous for the presence of Sr24) and moderately resistant to tan spot and SNB. ND Allison has good test weight, good protein and has satisfactory processing quality.

PRICE – $18
Foundation Seed

Yield: High
Good Protein
Bright Vitreous Kernels
Good Milling & Baking Characteristics
Conventional height, 2” shorter than Jerry
Tolerant to Pre-harvest Sprout
Best Winter Hardiness on the Market
Gene for Aluminum Toxicity Tolerance
Unauthorized Propagation Prohibited | PVPA 1994 – U.S. Protected Variety | To be sold by variety name only as a class of certified seed | Licensed in the U.S. to NDCISA | A research fee applies to this variety

NDCISA's mission is to enhance North Dakota's Agriculture through the production, promotion and distribution of pure seed.
PO Box 5084
West Fargo, ND 58078

NDCISA's mission is to enhance North Dakota's Agriculture through the production, promotion and distribution of pure seed.
PO Box 5084
West Fargo, ND 58078